A Daily Work-Out to Quicken the Third Eye and Promote Intuition

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Energize and Use Your Chakras
Stub only: One-Pointed Meditation
Stub only: Focusing
Stub only: Sensing Psychic Reality
Stub only: Intuition
Stub only: Breathe for Energy and Peace
Stub only: Managing and Using Chi Energy

Exercise Details

Duration = 20 minutes.
Difficulty = 65/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To strengthen your intuition 'muscles' and to naturally develop your intuition through regular experience.
  2. When you want to quickly increase the energy in your third eye--just before going to sleep or beginning a guided imagery session.
  3. For making important decisions without all the information you need, searching intuitively for someone or something, or making contact with a friend, mind-to-mind or by telephone.
Image courtesy of: hilectric, Stockholm, Sweden || Original Image || Flickr profile || Hélin Photography